Remembering life cycle occasions are often done with tzedakah. Tribute donations may be made to honor a birthday, anniversary, or other special occasion, to express sympathy, to honor the memory of a loved one, or simply to say thank you. Suggested minimum contributions is $25 per tribute, and may be designated to any of our many funds.
LBT mails tribute and memorial cards promptly and sends donors separate gift acknowledgments. The donation amount is not disclosed to the tribute recipient.
Your donation will be acknowledged to the tribute recipient and listed in This Week at LBT. Please allow a minimum of five business days for your tribute to be processed by the Temple office.
You may choose to make a gift of general support to Leo Baeck Temple or to a particular fund or program. The following is a partial list of special funds at Leo Baeck Temple:
LBT mails tribute and memorial cards promptly and sends donors separate gift acknowledgments. The donation amount is not disclosed to the tribute recipient.
Your donation will be acknowledged to the tribute recipient and listed in This Week at LBT. Please allow a minimum of five business days for your tribute to be processed by the Temple office.
You may choose to make a gift of general support to Leo Baeck Temple or to a particular fund or program. The following is a partial list of special funds at Leo Baeck Temple:
Special Funds
- Caring Community Fund
- Community of Engagement Fund
- Social Action Fund
- Food Bank Fund
- General Temple Fund
- Kalsman Library Fund
- Landscape Fund
- LBT Women's Fund
- LBT Men’s Fund
- Memorial Fund
- Religious School Fund
- Social Action Fund
- Sustaining Tzedek Fund
- Technology
- Torah Study Fund
- Youth Group Fund
Discretionary Funds
- Rabbi Kenneth Chasen Discretionary Fund
- Rabbi Lisa Berney Discretionary Fund
- Rabbi Scott Goldberg's Discretionary Fund
- Cantor Sara Hass's Discretionary Fund