
Social Justice at Leo Baeck Temple

A passion for social causes, a commitment to human rights, and improved relations amongst all people are hallmarks of Leo Baeck Temple.  We are proud to build upon our rich history of social justice work with the goal of creating a more just, caring, equitable, and livable society. Our congregation takes action at the local, state and national level alongside our Jewish and interfaith partners. Leo Baeck Temple’s Community Organizing Leadership Team (COLT) works to heal the world through building relationships, acting in partnership, and engaging politically.

Our City

Leo Baeck Temple is committed to meeting immediate needs, from feeding the hungry to comforting the homeless, as well as building power through LA Voice our local interfaith organizing partner. With LA VOICE we work on increasing affordable housing, advocating for immigrants, and ending mass incarceration. We are also a Sanctuary congregation and work with Sanctuary, Asylum and Refugee families to support them to settle in Los Angeles and find stability in their lives.

Our State

We work closely with two partners, RAC California, a coalition of 60+ Reform Synagogues working across the State of California and PICO California, our Interfaith Organizing partner which is the umbrella organization for LA Voice and nine other PICO affiliates up and down the State. We are proud to partner with RAC CA on our climate justice work.

Our Country & World

We have a long history of work with the Religious Action Center (RAC), part of the Union of Reform Judaism (URJ), with 600+ congregations nationally and over 1.5 million Reform Jews. LBT is also affiliated with Faith in Action, our interfaith justice partners, and ARZA, the Association of Reform Zionists of America, and ARZENU (the umbrella organization of Reform and Progressive Religious Zionists), as well as T’ruah, the Rabbinic Call for Human Rights. Through them we support Israel and champion activities that further Israel as a pluralistic, just, and democratic Jewish state.

Take Action with Us

Join us at one of our upcoming social justice events to engage in the act of repairing our world – tikkun olam - together as a temple community. 

Get Involved

Interested in participating in our social justice work? We meet regularly and guarantee we can find an area that interests you. Click below to complete our social justice interest form , so that we can find the best to match your passions and/or include you in communication about urgent actions and upcoming events led by COLT or our interfaith and Jewish partners – LA Voice and Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism (RAC).

“Any time I feel despair about the state of the world, and pull away from others I suffer more.  Though I may need breaks from time to time, when I delve deeper into working with others at LBT on social justice, I feel more connected and hopeful.”

“The opportunity to live one’s values is invaluable.  Having the opportunity in a small way to participate (in politics) gives me the sense that this small contribution can make a difference certainly in my own life – but in the lives of those with whom I come into contact.”

“Community organizing at LBT gives you a rare opportunity to get to know other members of the community deeply while actually changing the world (or the state or city).  By the end of each campaign, people are really a team, and those relationships change everything about your experience at LBT, from attending services to participating in classes or community events.”

Our Partners

History of LBT’s Justice Work

Social action and civic engagement have been a hallmark of Leo Baeck Temple since its inception.  Founding Rabbi Leonard Beerman was known for his political activism and leadership in interfaith dialogue.

In 2017, Leo Baeck Temple began our partnership with LA Voice, a multi-faith, multiracial coalition dedicated to transforming Los Angeles County into a place that reflects the dignity of all of its people.  LA Voice, the local affiliate of Faith in Action, is deeply connected with other synagogues, churches, and mosques – thereby leveraging our impact.  This partnership is a complement to our partnership with the Religious Action Center, the social justice arm of the Reform Movement, and Reform CA, the California coalition of the Religious Action Center.