Religious School Programs

Check out all of our Religious School programs for students from two years old through High School graduation.  
Register for the 2024-25 year by July 1.


K-6th: Weekly on Sunday Mornings

This program focuses on a different subject area each year such as Jewish holidays, Jewish values, Torah, Israel & Jewish peoplehood, lifecycles and rituals, mitzvot and so on, and also includes our specialties: garden, music, Israeli dance and art.

3rd-6th Grade Hebrew: Wednesday afternoons

There will be three options for our Hebrew program in the coming year:
Weekly in-person learning at the Temple on Wednesdays from 4:30-6:15pm. This includes Hebrew Through Movement, our modern Hebrew program, as well as tefillah with Rabbi Berney and Cantor Hass.
Weekly Virtual Hebrew Pods from 4:30-5:45 via zoom. This also includes Hebrew Through Movement as well as virtual Tefillah, an interactive service, with Rabbi Berney and Cantor Hass.
Hebrew Tutoring: 1-1 tutoring virtually or in person, at an additional cost.

Family Tiny Tots/PreK

Family Tiny Tots/PreK Program: Monthly on Sundays, 10:00-11:30am

This program is for preschoolers (2-5 year olds) and their parents/grandparents to learn about the Jewish holidays and rituals in a fun and interactive way. Non-members welcome!


7-9th Grade: Weekly on Sundays 4:00-5:30pm
Each class focuses on a different subject and includes a retreat or trip opportunity. Our 7th graders will participate in a variety of fieldtrips to engage in hands on social action and our 8-9th graders will travel to the South for our Civil Rights Trip November 8-11th.
10th Grade Confirmation: Weekly on Sundays 4:00-5:30pm
This class is taught by all three rabbis and includes a trip to Washington D.C. February 28-March 2nd to lobby their representatives on issues that matter to them. The students also lead our congregational Shavuot service.
11/12th Grade Post Confirmation: Monthly on Sundays 4:00-5:30pm
This class is also taught by all three rabbis and is an important way to stay connected to one another and the community while continuing to deepen their Jewish learning. There will be an additional opportunity to learn about the history of Israel through a college credit course which we will send details about in the coming weeks.
Madrichim Teaching Assistant Internship Program Sundays, 9:30am-12pm
This program is for 8-12th graders who want to volunteer for community service hours or receive a small stipend to work in the classroom with our K-6th grade students – providing extra support to the teachers, connecting with students, and planning activities and lessons. This program also includes leadership training sessions on Sunday mornings throughout the year.