Religious School


Our program is diverse, fun, interactive, and creative.  We use informal, active, and experiential lessons to make Judaism come alive, and to connect Judaism to the lives of our students and families.

We encourage students to question and challenge their beliefs. Students learn about the complexity of Torah and Israel through debate and constant inquiry. They become exposed to the rhythms of the Jewish calendar and Jewish holidays by living them and relating them to their everyday interests.

One of the most important goals of our program is not only to empower Jewish learners, but also to create community among our students and families.  In our program, families experience the joys and challenges of life alongside one another, and we strive to make sure that students of all backgrounds and abilities are welcomed and included, celebrated and cherished.

We look forward to welcoming you to our community!
Rabbi Lisa Berney

Now Open!
Religious School Registration

Our Programs

Early Learners
(Birth to 5)

As our youngest families begin their Jewish journey, we, at Leo Baeck Temple are there every step of the way.  We offer programs for families with children from birth to 5, whether it be our Prek or TK program, our monthly Tiny Tots program for 2- and 3-year-olds, or through our partnership with the Aaron Milken Center at Wise. Monthly Tot Shabbats also welcome our youngest families to campus to enjoy community, singing, and fun celebrations of Shabbat (and the Jewish holidays).


Our program for elementary school-aged children has it all! Our Religious School program meets weekly on Sundays and features specialties, such as gardening, music, Israeli dancing, and art. We also offer mid-week Hebrew learning options to meet the needs of all learners and busy family schedules! If students are looking for social opportunities in a Jewish setting, our youth group begins in 3rd grade to offer endless fun in a safe and nurturing environment.

Teens (7-12)

As our students get older, our program, likewise, grows with them. The  opportunities for our teens in grades 7-12 range from learning, to social justice, to building community through social events. A signature program for our teens is our trips, which include our Teen Wellness Retreat, a Civil Rights Trip to the South, and culminating with our 10th-11th graders'  Confirmation Trip to Washington, D.C.

Religious School Calendar


Adult & Family Learning

Youth Group

LBT offers three unique opportunities for youth to informally gather, to socialize, and to participate in tikkun olam activities in the community.

LBRTY Jr.  - 3rd and 4th Grade

For our elementary students in grades three through six, we offer approximately five activities a year.  These range from BBQs to pizza parties, and are guided by a professional staffer trained specifically to work with this age group.

LBRTY Jr.  - 5th and 6th Grade

For our elementary students in grades three through six, we offer approximately five activities a year.  These range from BBQs to pizza parties, and are guided by a professional staffer trained specifically to work with this age group.

LBRTY Lite - 7th and 8th Grade

For student in middle school grades seven and eight, activities are planned monthly. Sporting events, Laser Tag, social action work, trips to local recreation centers, and other bonding activities engage this age group.

LBRTY (9th-12th Grade)

Leo Baeck Reform Temple Youth is our senior youth group, affiliated with the Southern California region of the North American Federation of Temple Youth (NFTY). Students in grades nine through twelve are invited to join. 

Our Mission

At Leo Baeck Temple, our purpose for youth education is to inspire our children and teens to develop a compelling, lifelong commitment to Judaism so that they will be able to make informed Jewish choices and live up to the highest ideals of our tradition.  Everyone is welcome.